
the first apartment by Monolith. Which can be also seen as the first step towards the next generation contemporary apartment living


Square foot
Car parkings

Monolith basics

In order to make change in root level we had to make some promises and one of those is the basic features that every Monolith should have. So here are some.

  • 24/7 Surveillance
  • 1 min parking
  • Rooftop gym
  • Rooftop park

Models available

For the starters who would like a tiny easy space for their busy life.
  • Rooms 2
  • Bathrooms 2
  • Total Sq.ft 900
Schedule a Visit

    Lazurite = Monolith classic 1
    Spectrolite - Monolith classic 1
    When you got just more than few then this will help you sustain all.
    • Rooms 3
    • Bathrooms 2
    • Total Sq.ft 1,120
    Schedule a Visit

      A family of medium size where there is also room for others to experience your life.
      • Rooms 3.5
      • Bathrooms 2.5
      • Total Sq.ft 1,500
      Schedule a Visit

        Aventurine - Monolith classic 1
        Peridot - Monolith classic 1
        Large families who needs space to live and interact together most of the time.
        • Rooms 3.5
        • Bathrooms 2.5
        • Total Sq.ft 1,625
        Schedule a Visit

          Space for your family and another family you care or for anyone who wants everyone in the house together.
          • Rooms 4.5
          • Bathrooms 3.5
          • Total Sq.ft 1,965
          Schedule a Visit

            Danburite - Monolith classic 1


            Being located at the heart of Wellawatta. You got a lot of good places nearby here are some.

            Units availability

            🔴 – sold 🟠 – reserved 🟢 – available

